
I would highly recommend anyone get a reading with Kaeleigh MacDonald. This lady is Connected and I guarantee she will soon have a waiting list! I came to a group in which we both participate and shared an extraordinary spiritual experience I had recently had. From the internet ether broke what I experienced like a radiant force, the brilliant Ms. McDonald, bursting above all of us like a benevolent flare.

In her characteristic and unflinching conviction, she shared with me the absolute Facts of my specific history and the nature and depths of my feelings around it. Kaeleigh made it clear to me that she was receiving from Spirit which was good because, otherwise her accuracy may have been chilling, even kind of scary.

But it wasn’t scary! Instead, I found Kaeleigh’s incredible reading to be a relief and the beginnings of a release of trauma I didn’t even see that I had. Kaeleigh not only saw it; she felt it, and said so. It was like I walked into a room, collapsed, and found that she was already there and catching me safely in her Benevolence on the way down. I would have most assuredly plummeted into a downward emotional spiral without her. Kaeleigh leaned in, patiently working with me, asking perfectly crafted and timed questions, to facilitate a breakthrough around what has been a rent-free trauma inside me for more than 20 years!

Kaeleigh, is a Light standing atop the Dark Hill that helps Anyone who sees it to understand and believe that not only must we continue, but that we can. The generous offering to me of her tremendous Gifts will serve as a milestone in my continued work to Transform. It is a reading that I will never forget!

— Connie Hines

I've called Kaeleigh for help three times now. Once out of absolute desperation and the other two out of a desire for clarity and healing. Every time we talked Kaeleigh has given me what I didn't know I needed, on top of what I thought I wanted. I was able to shift my thinking about growing my business, what my obstacles were, and how to move forward. Working with Kaeleigh improved my trajectory and my momentum. Working with Kaeleigh has been a game-changer. Working with Kaeleigh literally changed my life. If I was you, I would stop reading testimonials and go book a session with her, NOW! You won’t regret it.

— Amy Hageman

My channeled messages from Kaeleigh were phenomenal. She provided me with clear, accurate and resonant guidance that helped me to feel so supported and connected. She channeled specific answers to my questions that helped validate my own guidance allowing me to move forward in confidence. She got in touch with a beloved family member who had passed away and that was very healing for me. I highly recommend Kaeleigh as her work is very accurate as well as extremely useful.

— Brittani Bohlke

I did a past life reading with Kaeleigh in regards to some behavior my daughter was having that was unsettling- acting as if there was trauma that wasn’t present in this life that we knew of. The reading was incredibly helpful to help pinpoint where the behavior was coming from and confirm it was past life trauma and not this current life. I discussed with my daughter at the level she was able to understand, and it seemed to bring her clarity and peace immediately. The behavior stopped and we have moved forward with no readdress. Highly recommend Kaeleigh and her skills! You won’t regret booking!

— Brianne Foreman

I had never experienced a reading before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect when I booked Kaeleigh for a combined Channeling and Tarot reading. I have been at a crossroads in many areas of my life and was looking for clarity and confirmation on specific relationships and situations. During Kaeleigh’s reading, I gained the clarity I was looking for. She also had additional intuitive insight that confirmed choices I had made or were in the process of working through. I highly recommend working with her and look forward to more readings in the future.

— Becky Wilkerson

Where to begin! I had Kaeleigh do a reading for me (and I must say, I went into the reading feeling a bit skeptical, I have had readings before that left me uninspired), and this reading was bang on. She gave details from my life that only I knew, and was able to channel deceased persons from my life and was able to pass their information on to me. The information she got was so specific that it honestly left us both with our jaws dropped, I was very impressed!! Kaeleigh truly has a gift and I would happily recommend her skills to anyone.

— Angie Noonan

I can highly recommend Kaeleigh’s readings! Because of our session, I am literally acknowledging important parts of myself that I have been ignoring and denying for my whole life. I feel more safe and secure and empowered in my own gifts than ever before. This was a life-changing experience for me, the impact on my life has been incredible!

— Jamie Robertson